Algorithm Writer 5 12 18 Algorithm Writer Argument Ordering, Bug Checker and Cultural Translation Tool [ Program-finder-like reordering of arguments Finds headers from code to reuse, then runs them to try each of them as a possible predicate Shouldn't reduce the number of arguments because predicates already have the minimum number of arguments * - Same for the number of arguments in predicates called - One should list predicates to try in order from least complex to more complex x It doesn't matter because of * - One should try predicate headers initially (before modification) if they either fit into a format or give a desirable output in the specified data flow. Either of these may be necessary under different conditions. ] x List code with individual conformation changes of argument order calling other predicate x x List code with arguments in a predefined order, such as input, output and by variable type. Algorithms may add connections needed (e.g. main predicates and variable-porting) if there is too little information in the specification. "Bug checker": A different algorithm could decompose/build compound terms and substitute changes to the code. If necessary, an algorithm could be written to call code from within a predicate to process data. - Giving data flow as libraries may not be useful because it may change in, i.e. file input/output, requiring data flow as part of the algorithm specification. - Otherwise, data flow would change be so different in different algorithms that they may not be useful as libraries. Cultural Translation Tool can correct copyright issues by providing a generic (not a copyrighted) form of the text.